Rags to RICHES
Rags to Riches is a unique, innovative new English teaching resource aimed at teachers and learners of levels A1 to B1. It is a two-season comedy-drama series chronicling the rise to fame of a young rock band, Rags to Riches, and the songs they write, narrated through high-quality audio podcasts and supported by a range of engaging and carefully structured worksheets and accompanying lesson plans.
Songs and series have always been popular language-learning media for students and teachers alike. Rags to Riches provides both of these with a huge additional advantage: the dialogue and songs have been designed for English language learners. Each episode has been carefully crafted around a specific language focus, reflecting the typical grammatical progression found in most course books.
Rags to Riches can work as an ideal course book supplement, or a complete English language course in itself, guiding the learner from CEFR levels A1 to B1.